Saturday, November 16, 2019

Gratitude with Attitude

Authentic gratitude and worship sustain me each day.
Yet I still have this attitude that can shade just about anything.
Not a pessimist because I'm too hopeful and I love a redemption story.
Call me a realist because "it is what it is" makes sense to me without explaining.
Never saw necessity in closure since it can't bring what it is to a new unveiling.
I am grateful for the truth; in its telling I can respect the messenger.
Discerning of deception and abrasive to its storytellers.
Truth puts the past behind us while lies sprout roots intertwining forever.
What I know of the dark is the stark difference between it and the light.
Without warfare I may not appreciate the morning that follows the dark night.
I have made good use of the hurt, tears and heartache.
If it were any other way I may not look so expectantly to His grace today.
I welcome life's betrayals if they keep strengthening my faith this way.
Even though my heart was shaken and I was humbled by humiliation.
I have to praise Him for this very thing is bringing about transformation.
On this earth one thing is always certain and that is change.
My God equips me for it and I can always depend on Him to be the same.

Inspiration: James 1:2-4