Sunday, June 21, 2020

The Highest High

Recently, I was watching a movie in which a heart broken young man was explaining his perception of love; he likened it to a drug addict chasing that next high.  He went on to say that scientific research proves his sentiment is actually biologically founded.  Essentially, the love drug sends us on that coveted ride to cloud nine, but it always leaves us wanting - and needing - more. I was intrigued, so I looked up some of the science on love.

True enough, biology unveils all the buzz around the birds and the bees. The intoxicating admiration and the waterfall of illogical and fantastical expectations are the end result of a cocktail of chemical reactions. The stimulus of touch, the pleasure in the pursuit, and the pride of acquiring the object of your affections are all fueled by them.  Quite perfectly, the healthy brain produces dopamine, the key player of the 'reward pathways' (responsible for signaling the mind to experience or anticipate rewarding events), and oxytocin, also known as the "cuddle hormone" activated by physical affection and sex. Then, there's the complex dance between cortisol and serotonin, sending us hopeless romantics on that world-famous roller-coaster ride of emotions known as 'falling madly in love' or being 'crazy' in love, as Mrs. Carter coined the phrase.

Scouring the net led me to countless sources citing varied methods of igniting the same chemical reactions which result in these euphoric states of being, sans the object of your affection.  I'm going somewhere with this, but I learned of some healthy and beneficial ways which have been proven to increase some of these feel-good hormones:

  • Listening to music
  • Getting or giving a massage
  • Meditating (on the Word or in the context of prayer)
  • Yoga or exercise
  • Spending time with and/or bonding with friends
  • Cooking and eating with someone
  • Hugging
  • Petting dogs
  • Giving gifts
  • Riding a roller coaster (ironic?)
  • Soaking in a hot tub
  • Being generous with the 'L' word.
Naturally, anything can become problematic when done in excess or used in unhealthy ways, but there is also some obviously risky modus operandi which some people use knowingly - or unknowingly - to achieve that state of feel-good.  Addictions to all sorts of vices bring passing pleasures.  What's your drug?  Alcohol, sex, food, smoking, work, money or (fill in the blank)?

I couldn't help but consider exactly how God says He intends us to experience and extend love.  I trust that God's design is intentional and for His glory, and for our own good.  After all, God is love.

In the Word, Jesus tells us that we should "love the Lord our God with all of our hearts, with all of our souls and with all of our minds".  He says this is the first and greatest commandment, but the second commandment is "like it" and we should love our neighbors as we love ourselves.  If I understand correctly, these are the most important things we can do with our hearts, souls and minds.  

He designed our bodies, our hearts, our souls and minds with the purpose of loving.  It is awesome to think how our spirits, ambitions, efforts and achievements would be transformed if we were obedient to this first and second commandment which He calls our greatest purpose.  They are so important that He even hard wired us to experience this wonderful, sustaining, fulfilling emotional and physical experience when we practice it.

How much more profound would falling in love be, if we first loved Him with all of our power, loved ourselves, and loved our neighbors?  I suspect we are falling short of our highest calling when we rely or build our lives upon feelings of love and happiness outside of the context and order He clearly prescribed. 

Imagine, if we were all obedient in just these two commandments; how many of the aforementioned vices and pathways (even the healthy ones) would we depend on less?  He promises that He will supply all of our needs.  I believe God intended us to experience the greatest love every day of our lives, and through our obedience we would ultimately want for nothing.  Now that is what I call love. 

Inspired by Matthew 22:37-39

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Whoever You Are

We are being called to a higher standing and it's time to seize the blaring opportunity.
So, if all you can see in this is civil unrest, you're half sleeping, or maybe your eyes are just resting.
Historically speaking, this would be called revolt, rebellion, an outcry.
This is exactly what we have here; the inevitable and eventual response to generations of unanswered miscarriages of justice.
The threat of asphyxiation is not just a notion but it is as tangible as the blood spilled throughout our dark history.
It's enough to make any man of any color a little bit crazy if a target like that was on his back - indefinitely.
This time, George Floyd had to die to start yet another dialog about human rights.
Do we really need to explain the need - the God-given right - to breathe?
Or how we know all lives matter, yet it is only our communities which have good reason to fear for theirs?
From the outside, where the privileged peer in, they often remain silent onlookers, ashamed or in denial about the protection and potential in their skin.
While another man was born with the gift and curse of melanin.
For him, it's not just a hurdle or an inconvenience, sometimes it's hopeless, as Floyd came to see.
Equivalent to a lifetime sentence of closed doors, glass ceilings, and opportunities which never come knocking.
Success is defined by his ability to be an exhaustive hoop jumper, bullet dodger, and sometimes carpenter, as he will certainly have to construct his own table and the seat he'll need to sit there.
All this to procure a chance for a chance at the so-called dream his color-free counterparts enjoy by just being.
Everywhere he will go, there is the concocted probable cause for neglect, hatred, fear, profiling, and stereotyping.
In fact, these motivating factors have been commonplace for so long they are weaved into the fabric of society, in laws, unspoken rules, and perpetuated attitudes.
If you the naysayer are willing to live with malignant hate in your heart, we both know only God can bring about your healing.
For those of you who live like they know He is watching, it's time to say something.
The end result of silence is deafening and life threatening.
The stakes still remain highest for that man with the brown skin.
While you feel like there is nothing you can do, realize it is you who has the privilege of nothing to lose.
We are all called to speak up but the caring is in the doing.
If you have the resources and breath still in your lungs, this is a calling.
You were born with infinite possibilities built right into your skin.
So I'm shaking my head at all this sin allowed to rear its head again and again.
God placed us here intentionally, a heavenly design detailed to His liking.
Thank God we were meant to be a colorful tapestry of infinite shades of beauty in unity.
The only support for inequality is rooted in greed, fear, and delusions of superiority or inferiority.
But if you choose to remain quiet, carry on, you lucky heir of safety and security.  
Know that you are a silent saboteur, a benefactor, a bystander, and enabler of horrific injustice and crime.
Whoever you are, there's still time to find love within you.
Faithful are the wounds of a friend so I will continue to speak the whole truth.
The kisses of the enemy are profuse and so are my prayers for you.

Biblical inspiration:  Proverbs 27:6